Gene Cornelius, graphic design and art direction

Gene Cornelius

Award-winning graphic design and art direction

Some of my favourites


Layout and art direction for the Freemans and  Selfridges catalogue

United Business Media

Art editor for weekly business publication, The Engineer


Group Art Director for the division which included  Marketing and  Management Today

Senior designer for contract publishing agency

Where the 'credit crunch' came from...

I designed this feature for an article in Management Today to show how America had dragged the UK to the brink of recession back in 2008.

Awash with cash in a low-interest climate, the financial institutions were lending money with an astonishing disregard for risk to people in America whom had very little financial surety. The crisis came when payback time came... 

Illustration by Jason Bennion

Russia's 'great retail revolution'

The grim communist-era was over as the country went shopping. Retail sales in Russia started to overtake those of the UK and Germany and as a result western firms were blossoming, back in 2008!

Illustration by Dave Eastbury


Art editor for monthly business publication, Admap

William Reed

William Reed

Group Art Editor for weekly newsstand publication The Grocer
William Reed

3 Fox

Designer for contract publishing agency


2017 Association of Excellence  Awards , Best Magazine, Public Finance 

2011 BSME Art Director of the Year , Commended,  Management Today   

2011 PPA Designer of the Year ,  Commended, Management Today 

2010 BSME Art Director of the Year, Commended,  HR

2009 PPA Designer of the Year, Highly Commended Management Today 

2008 BSME Art Director of the Year , Commended,  Management Today 

2005 PPA Weekly Business Magazine of the Year , Marketing  

2005 Haymarket Business Magazine Relaunch of the Year Marketin

2003 PPA Business Magazine of the Year ,  Highly Commended, The Grocer  

2003 PPA Business Magazine of the Year Food Manufacture

2000 Haymarket Business Magazine of the Year , Marketing

1995 PPA Designer of the Year, Highly Commended The Engineer 

1994 Miller Freeman Designer of the Year The Engineer 

1992 Morgan Grampian Designer of the Year The Engineer

Got a design project?

Feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss a design brief

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